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Seeking a good web glossary in Spanish

A school project of mine is coming along well enough to consider deploying it for actual users, part of which will involve localizing an English prototype in Spanish. (And partly in Kuna, but that's another story.)

As I try to hack my way through a translation on the cheap, I'm surprised that I haven't immediately found a comprehensive glossary of web terminology in English and Spanish. It's bound to exist somewhere. The closest I've come up with is the Proyecto NAVE glossary, based on the Mozilla i18n glossary (here's the whole set), which covers most but not all browser interactions. Surely there's something more comprehensive?

I'm looking for a glossary that covers browser features, web technologies and standards (HTML, HTTP, CSS, etc.), and web-based genres and activities (blog is bitácora, chat may or may not be chatear).

I suppose the ideal reference would strike a balance between descriptivism and prescriptivism: Mozilla says a plug-in is a conector, but do people mostly say plug-in anyway? And is chatear an unbearable barbarismo? At that point I guess I can't call what I want a glossary anymore and should call it a dictionary.

I'll even pay for a paper edition if it's any good. Suggestions?

P.S. Along the way I've run into some mind-bending examples of why it's a bad idea to design in English and then translate, as I am unfortunately doing. For instance, the shortest reliable way to say "right click" in Spanish is hacer clic con el botón derecho del ratón. Yes, you can say clic derecho but it makes some users' blood boil; one observer counted 694,000 instances of botón derecho del ratón to 212,000 instances of clic derecho. One suspects that the latter may get used mostly when the English-speaking designers assumed that any language could express the needed term in 12 characters or less. Spanish accomplishes this at the stylistic cost of using a noun phrase where the original English is usually interpreted as a verb phrase; or do users understand clic as a paradigm-busting imperative verb? Ew.

language 2006.11.22 link