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Shock and Awe: the book

"Shock and awe" is supposedly the name of the aggressive new US war-fighting strategy in which Baghdad will be saturated with 400 missiles in the first 24 hours of combat, as a number of sources have reported. I've stumbled across the book mentioned in several of them and surprisingly the full text appears to be online: Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade (NDU Press, December 1996, ASIN 1579060307).

Shock and Awe

It's scary stuff, full of references to the strategies behind Hiroshima and Blitzkrieg and Roman legions and the like. The authors refer to moral qualms and public opinion as minor impediments the way a marksmanship text might talk about crosswinds and glare. But I can't tell whether this really represents the main stream of Bush administration and DOD thinking, or the coverage of Ullman is just an instance of the curious symbiosis among different positions on the political fringe (dove pundits needing hawk pundits and vice versa). Or, as the Guardian suggests, maybe it's just a bit of propaganda, intentionally leaked to give Saddam the willies.

causes 2003.02.03 link